
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

May Recap

Hello and thank you for stopping by. It's time for my May recap. I can hardly believe this month is almost over. This year is nearly half over! May was pretty much a whirlwind...and the highlights can be seen on my Instagram account but I know a couple of you aren't on Instagram so I will share a few pictures here and tell you what I have been up to. 

I have been enjoying my plants. This little succulent has really grown since I repotted it. 

My angel face rose bloomed again. It is just so gorgeous!

My gardenia decided to burst into bloom over Mother's Day weekend and was full of open blooms when we returned from Miranda's. If you have never smelled a gardenia, you're missing out....they smell so good!

I have tried to enjoy my porch as much as possible because the heat and mosquitoes will prevent that from happening soon.

I spent a few hours at the springs with my sister and nephew as well as some family that was visiting from Utah. It was a beautiful day.

Joey and I took a mental health day off from work and went out for lunch and shopping. I had to admire this gorgeous mural depicting some of Florida's beautiful waterways.

Teacher Appreciation week was celebrated and we were spoiled at school with lunches and treats. I got a couple sweet gifts from students...this was one of them. So cute!

Joey, Dakota, and I went to Miranda's for Mother's Day weekend. We had a great time and I got to spend a bit of time on the beach. 

I was happiest having my family all together though. Blessed!

After that weekend, it was crunch time finishing up things at school. My last day was Friday and that was just for the District Luncheon honoring retiree's. I got my 15 year pin...hard to believe it's been  15 years already!

This past weekend was spent in Panama City with Miranda and Slade. It was an impromptu trip and my sister, Nancy went with me. It was a rainy weekend but we had a great time in spite of the weather. Here's a pretty shot of downtown Panama City...I love the historic part of town. We went to the sweetest little coffee shop.

Any time spent with my beautiful Miranda is time enjoyed. She is my heart. 

We had a great time visiting the local winery in Panama City Beach. Miranda and Slade are planning to purchase wine from them for the wedding and she wanted us to do a tasting. This was a first for me and it was such fun. This winery specializes in wine made with other fruits. They were all so tasty! I will be returning in the future. 

I have spent the past couple days running errands and getting some cleaning done. I got my hair cut earlier today and am now enjoying a little downtime before I get started again. I hope you all had a lovely May and are looking forward to June. Have a wonderful week and thanks again for dropping by. 


  1. What a happy post. Looks like you have lots of fun with family and congratulations on getting your 15 year pin.

    1. Thanks Connie! I just realized that blogger is no longer sending me comments b y e-mail. Sorry about that. I hope you are doing well my friend. Have a lovely week!

      Hugs, Vicky

  2. Hi Vicky!
    How nice it is to visit with you! I think of you so very often and knowing that you have a wedding coming up,I really think of you. :}
    Congratulations on your 15 year pin, it's lovely.
    I enjoyed seeing all your family photos and when you said your Miranda is "your heart" I could so relate as I have two daughter's whom I love dearly.
    Beautiful post!

    Enjoy your June, it's right around the corner.


    1. Hello nice to hear from you. I just realized that blogger is no longer sending me comments b y e-mail. Sorry about that. I am so sorry I haven't been by for a "visit" in so long. I am hoping to catch up this summer. Thank you for all your lovely words. I hope you and your family are all doing well. Have a beautiful week.
      Hugs, Vicky

  3. Oh May zipped by for sure! How nice to get to spend time with your family! I'm like you, it's always a blessing to have the family all together. Summer has hit here and the mosquitoes are starting to make their presence known...yuck.
    Hope you have a wonderful summer. Hugs, Cecilia

    1. May certainly did zip by and June is following suit! I'm glad I found out on your blog about the comment issue. So annoying...I wonder why they changed it. Anywho, I feel ya with the mosquito problem. Ugh! Hope your summer is going well otherwise.
      Hugs, Vicky

  4. May was a blur...actually, 2018 has been a blur so far. I think I told you before that PCB was the beach I went to growing up. Many families from our hometown owned homes there so there was always a caravan of us heading there on the weekends, spring breaks and summers. It is much different now than it used to be but isn't it like that everywhere now?

    You have a wonderful May and I hope your June is even better.

    1. Hi Jeanna...I just realized that blogger is no longer sending me comments b y e-mail. Sorry about that. I have truly enjoyed my visits to PCB with Miranda and it actually hasn't been too crowded. They have banned drinking on the beach so that seems to have cut down on the crowd somewhat. It is such a beautiful beach. I am hoping to get up there this weekend. Have a great week! Hugs, Vicky

  5. Hello Vicky, it looks like you had a nice month and Mothers Day!! I bet you are happy to be finished with school and off for a while. It must be so nice to go to the beach.
    I have enjoyed visiting you on IG. Take care and have fun on your summer vacation!!
    Julie xo

    1. Hi Julie...I just realized that blogger is no longer sending me comments b y e-mail. Sorry about that. I'm glad you stopped by. I enjoy keeping up with you on IG as well. It is so much quicker for me to share life there but I still like to update on the blog occasionally for those who aren't on IG. Hope you are enjoying summer. Have a great week!


Thank you so very much for taking time to leave such kind words for me. Your sweet comments make my heart smile!
I always reply to comments by e-mail, so please make sure you are not a no-reply commenter! Blessings!